Thank you Liz and Elisa Clement for contributing to Ian’s tribute for the Wirral St John Hospice at Clatterbridge. We were very lucky to meet you and Alan there even if it was brief but Ian and Alan did have a few chats and cigarettes outside in the lovely garden. We were saddened to hear about Alan’s passing and also sad that we wouldn’t see you both anymore.
I will try and pass my contact details to you via the hospice, if you would like to do the same .?
Kind regards
Sandra ( Ian’s sister)
Sandra Malins
19th May 2024
To all Ian’s family…..we will be thinking of you all tomorrow. It was a pleasure to have got to know Ian in recent months, together with his loving and devoted family. Our thoughts & love are with you all. I hope Ian & Alan are reunited in a smoking shelter somewhere! 🥰 Love to you all. Liz & Elisa Clement (Alan’s Wife & Daughter) x
Elisa Clement
16th May 2024
"To the living, I am gone,
To the sorrowful, I will never return, To the angry, I was cheated, But to the happy, I am at peace, And to the faithful, I have never left.
I cannot speak, but I can listen.
I cannot be seen, but I can be heard.
So as you stand upon a shore gazing at a beautiful sea,
As you look upon a flower and admire its simplicity,
Remember me.
Remember me in your heart:
Your thoughts, and your memories, Of the times we loved, The times we cried, The times we fought, The times we laughed.
For if you always think of me, I will never have gone."
~Margaret Mead
2nd May 2024